The first day of the year 2010. I went to 2 places, paddy field and lokawi beach to see if any new sea birds that I can add to my bird list. Well about three hours sitting at beach and spotted nothing new. As usual the birds on the beach are Kentish plovers, lesser and greater sand plovers, Pacific golden plovers, a Common Ring plover which always seen alone, Common Sand pipers and Grey Plovers which is also known as Black-bellied Plover. Malaysian plovers are my favourite bird on the beach there and so I spend times with these birds. They are more less similar to newly found bird in Asia, the White-faced Plover. Hopefully the White-faced Plover will be seen on that beach. These Malaysian birds are juvenile. Happy birding.
This bird is not rare but only hard to find as they eat anything. I even see this bird at seashore picking something to eat. You can not go to one particular place for it like paddy field. About 20 of them at Penampang paddy field this morning. Happy birding. Juvenile
Is it easier to find this bird??? No! no! no! We experiant waiting this bird out from the bushes was for days. Yet when it appeared as only at edges of bushes or grasses. Today it just appears nicely for me to take its video. Happy birding.
Taken using KOWA TSN-884 + Kowa TE-10ZE 20-60X Zoom eyepiece + SIGMA DP2.
I did not that surprise when it landed on the paddyfield but I quickly acted to it as I saw from far "The black Heart like-shape" on the breast of this bird. I sat down at edge of the field with the camera all the time covering my face. The bird walked toward me and was really happy. Then it flew to the small patch of water by the road side and took bath. Its movement bathing was so fast and I think the camera was hardly to freeze it for better image. My lifer. Happy birding.
I use to take my breakfast at Train terminal after sending my daughter to work and just infront of it is the National Mosque. This terminal is converted into tuckshop which the train service cease for time being until new train railway for new train which under development is completed. There, at Mosque pillar, these birds are nestings and hovering and flying around near the speaker pillar to capture small insects in the air every morning. Since this bird still not in my list of bird, I went to the mosque to take pictures of them. Happy birding.
I have been going to Tempasuk, Kota Belud padifield which popular for waders often but because the place about 70km away from Kota Kinabalu, Penampang's padi field is my first choice to birding for waders. Though not many birds seen for every day birding, sometimes you find hardly found birds are seen here and make you just feel happy when you find one like this one..Common Sand-Martin spotted by Encik Azahari is rare to find anywhere in Sabah. Happy birding.
Added 2 more pictures for further ID. Java Sparrow Javan Pond Heron Egrets (mostly Great egret)
I was going back to the padifield with hope to see again the Dunlin for better picture of it. Upon reaching at the location and saw no sign of small birds at all on the field. But due to desire, I waited for a while. Saw little egrets, wood sandpipers, heron, and common sanpipers. After of about two hours waiting, and found still nothing sighted for Dunlin and decided to go to other places. Drove slowly leaving the place and kept on looking to the field and suddenly long neck rose straight up almost vertically. A bit wondered at first to see a huge Yellow bittern. Got my binocular and aahh new bird and the activity started.....My last lifer probably for this year 2009. Location and date was Penampang padifield on the December 13, 2009. Happy birding.
Sorry PALs. It is not Long-billed Plover but Kentish Plover and Thank you very much to Digdeep for comment. I have to see more harder to it next time. Tku again to you Dave. Happy birding.
It was hot day and decided to go back home when I saw this bird. I hardly recognised as it was together with Little Ringed Plovers. I was just almost jumped when I noticed one of them was Long-billed plover ....... its bill longer and body slimmer. Then I took my time and took much care not to disturb it with my much movements that might caused it to fly away....MY LIFER!!!!.....hehehe....Everything then were made slow to snap for its photograph. Happy birding.
Not many waders seen around this year, 2009. May be due to bad weather that happen to Philippine and effects the flight of the waders. Seen only one species at the time. Hope next year shall be better. Happy birding.