Not sure very well about this bird but as I see it you can find this bird all year round here at Kota Kinabalu especially on tall grasses or bushes along road sides or paddy fields. Happy birding. It could be expensive for her to hire machine/modern style of harvesting her paddies. Economy this way as I see it because no much energy used harvesting traditionally though it may take longer time to sack in her paddies. What I may think here she will use hand gloves before she could finish her plots.
I went back after staying for 4 days at Mumiang. I was here before about 40 years ago.
This is Berhala island where one time ie may be 50 years ago where people with leprous were isolated on this island. This communication network was installed by Telekom by seeing the logo on the telephone booth. I looked around and found the network no more working. And abandon without any maintenance. This is the activity people do here at Mumiang.
I was unlucky to shot this bird because the moment I reached the beach, strong wind came and followed by rain. This picture was taken from the boat. Common Flameback Woodpecker Asian Dowitcher Chestnut-backed Scimitar Babbler
I was driving alone from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan and stopped to rest for while at Mile 117. While resting I heard this bird, calling, quite a distance from me. I simply imitate by whistling and a moment later it appeared on bamboo tree. I hurriedly rushed to my car and snatched my camera. By the time I came back it was already on other tree. I kept on whistling it wouldn't go far but never in the open. This much of it clearance I managed. Anyhow I happy with this which is at least better than my first capture. Happy birding. Flyeater Lesser cuckooshrike Abbott's Babbler