Sorry pals. The bird is actually Whiskered Tern and not Aleutian Tern. My collection is still 301. Thank you.
It is my first lifer for the new year 2010 adding to my birds list to 302nd. I did not know it was Aleutian tern. In flight the bird was observed, it flew with rather slow wings flap and body and wings were long. It was senior birder Andrew Siani confirmed for me that the bird was Aleutian Tern. Thank you Mr. Andrew. I could see two of them flying in the windy and rainy weather. Happy birding.

Congratulation on your 302 birds, Sifu Karim. I just counted that I photographed 303 Borneo birds. May be we should start a club or something for those who have photographed 300 Borneo birds.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
Terima Kasih.
Yup agree Sifu Wong !
ReplyDeleteCan suggest approriate name for the club ?
I think it is a good idea if there is a 300 birds club and members can submit their bird photos to display. And we are able know or count as well how many birds are in Borneo that Borneo people able to photograph. Mr. Azahari the first person to support and should be okay tuu!!. I sokong you but I ikut belakang aje, Mr. Wong.
ReplyDeleteTerimah Kasih.
Hi Karim,
ReplyDeleteSorry to spoil your joy, but this is a Whiskered Tern I think. Structurally, Aleutian would show a much smaller, slighter bill and longer, slenderer wings. The tail streamers should also be longer than on this bird. The black on the head is too extensive for Aleutian, and the upper and underwing patterns are also 'wrong' for that species. The upperwing should show a pale wedge on the inner 4-5 primaries, and the underwing should show a clear blackish line along the secondaries. Compare your bird with pics on OBI.
Thx Dave for correction. I shall correct the title. Happy New Year 2010 to you and family. Hoping your wife is recovering now. Thanks again.