After two days birding at Kinabalu National Park aiming for good images of these birds and just could not do any better than these. However very satisfying for record shots. Shall be trying again next time for better images.
The newest Telephoto produced by KOWA COMPANY - built for two fuctions ie Spotting Scope and Digiscoping. I understand it will be on market this coming November 2010. Very good for a change.
Click the image to read the detail about the scope.
Today I manage few birds to digiscope. They are not so active especially the kingfisher and I take my time taking them as nice as possible . The kingfisher is keeping on calling. When I spot the male, I try to find the female but could not find. Other birds I find in the field are Banded Broadbill and Dark-throated Oriole and white-bellied Yuhina.